The Artist

- Meet Regina Moscheto -


From her sweet childhood memories, from her love for the nature, for the world and her dreams Regina Moscheto emerged as an artist.

Her sensible look catches the essence of everything and carries it on to the viewer in a peculiar way. Being a lover and never-ending art apprentice, each of her series reflects her experiences and the artist’s life’s great inspirations.

In each of her artwork, people are attracted by her traces, by her contemporary and unique style, by the shades of colors and details that translate for each one a meaning and the possibility of living in a world without borders.

Her artworks are the result of her daily idealization. Regina works fluidly, letting all of her love for the art to overflow.

About inspiration…

“Inspiration is in the inside… you just have to draw the curtains open and look around… Then you can notice that everything can inspire you, from the most complex things like the colors of a bird, to the simplest ones as the swing of a leaf… Which means, beauty is always going to be where it has always been, it’s your way of looking at it that changes… Inspiration is a state of mind, it’s self-knowledge, you have to listen carefully to listen to it, and inspiration always says beautiful things!

And about art, well art is inexplicable… as I have once read in a beautiful text from Raquel Alves, it is not for understanding, but for feeling… had the sea been understood, it wouldn’t be anything than an aquarium’

I don’t always understand what inspiration tells me… I only obey it, follow its directions, and in the end I always feel amazed with the results.”

That’s how Regina Moscheto makes herself! With art, sensibility, ceaseless learning, with expression and style!

Sensibility, transformation,
expression and style